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Thursday 18 March 2010

Wednesday 17th March - Ghost Hunters

Ghost Hunters

Broadcast on Livingit - 10 o'clock

Since being at Uni, one of my housemates and me have discovered Ghost Hunters. We both used to watch Most Haunted but were getting fed up with nothing actually happening, ever. Then we stumbled across Ghost Hunters, which is awesome.

Unlike MH, GH go to locations to try and explain stuff that people have experienced in rational terms, and most things turn out to have a very rational explanation, but not everything.

Last night was a special in that it was an hour and a half long and instead of the normal one day and night in the location it was two. The reason for this was that they were investigating the Stanley Hotel, the location for the film and inspiration for the book "The Shining".

Well things went as normal for the first day, with many strange things being caught on camera, only to be explained away as a heat reflection or some other normal occurence. That was until the crew went to sleep for the night and left the camera's rolling.

Queue a fat balding man asleep in bed, in one of the supposed haunted rooms. Over the mans snoring we hear what sounds like a door being opened, creepy enough. But then we hear what sounds like a glass being flicked and a marble being dropped.

These noises had woken the sleeping man who left his bed and piced up the recording camera to investigate. Sure enough the wardrobe door had opened, when we had seen it shut earlier. Then we realise that the glass noise was the man's drinking glass on the bedside dresser being smashed. A chunk of glass lays on the table and a crack has spread around the outside.

Obviously shaken the man sets up the camera on the bedside table , where it can see the whole room and the wardrobe door, and sits back in bed.

Within three seconds, fully caught on camera, the door closes by itself, latches and locks. Some Spooky Stuff.

Ghost Hunters, seriously well worth a watch. Like Most Haunted, but good.

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